Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2

Part 2: Create a Test script with Studio A. Create a test script with Mobile I. Create a Precondition Precondition can be created and used for multiple scripts with the same precondition. Please follow these steps: Step 1: Click on the [Manage Test Precondition] button. Step 2: Click on the [Add Precondition] button. Step 3: Select a […]

Guide Studio Tester4.0 Part 1

Part 1: Introduction ATOMP Tester 4.0: allows users to create test scripts and then execute the test automatically in multiple devices. ATOMP Studio: Helps to generate test scripts automatically based on users’ interactions with the devices. A.      Start using ATOMP with Mobile I.            Basic Overview Step 1: Add a new project (Tester 4.0) Login to: […]

Product Guide Studio Tester4.0 DeviceFarm

Contents Part 1: Introduction…………………………………………..……………………………….…………………………. 4 A.          Start using ATOMP with Mobile……………………………………………………………………. 4 I.       Basic Overview………………………………………………………..………….………..……………………… 4 II.      Launch App using Chrome or Safari………………..……………..………………………….……… 6 B.           Start using ATOMP with PC Web….……………………………………………………………… 8 Part 2: Create a Test script with Studio…………………………………………..……..…………………. 12 A.          Create a test script with device…………..……………………..………………….……………… 12 I.       Create a Precondition………………………………………………………..……………………….……….. 12 II.      […]

Product Guide Automation & DeviceFarm HU

Contents Part 1: Create a Test script with Studio…………………………………………… 3 I.       Create a new test script………………………………………………………….. 5 Part 2: Execute Script with Tester 4.0……………………………………………. 12 I.       Execute a Script and check the test result……………………………… 12 Part 3: Remote Control device with Device Farm…………………………… 19 I.         Set up Executable files for the project…………………………………. 19 II.        Interact […]