A. Execute script for Mobile III. Export – Import Test Script 1. Export Test Script After successfully creating the test script, if you want to export the generated test script, you can follow these steps: Step 1: From the “Manage Test script” screen, click on the “Export Test script” button to switch to the “Export Test Script” […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 3.1.2
A. Execute script for Mobile II. Execute a Script and check the test result 1. Run Now Step 1: Click on the button [Run Test Script Now] -> The popup Run Test Script will be displayed. Step 2: Select Device (In the Run Test Script popup, select one or more Android devices)-> Click on the [Next] button. Step 3: […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 3.1.1
A. Execute script for Mobile I. Set up Executable files for the project Before executing a test script, we can set-up the executable files (apk or ipa) for the application. Step 1: Select the option upload file IPA or APK from the Project Detail screen. Step 2: Upload the file. Step 3: Input the package name. Step 4: Click on the […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2.2.2
B. Create a test script with PCWeb II. Create a new test script Click on the [Manage Test Script] button => Click [Create with ATOMP Studio]. The Studio Web primary screen will be displayed. 1. Start the [Recording] mode Click on the button [Record script] to start recording your browser’s interactions. Below is a sample of the […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2.2.1
B. Create a test script with PC Web I. Create a Precondition Precondition can be created and used for multiple scripts with the same precondition. There are two ways to create a precondition: Create with ATOMP Studio and Import precondition. Option 1: Create with ATOMP Studio Step 1: Click on the [Manage Test Precondition] button. Step […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2.1.4
A. Create a test script with Mobile IV. Ruler Measurement This function is intended to increase productivity comparing the difference between UI and XD. To use this function, please follow the steps below: Step 1: Click on the “Ruler” icon from the navigation bar to open the MEASUREMENT screen. Step 2: If you want to measure […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2.1.3
A. Create a test script with Mobile III. Mirror 1 action on multiple devices Step 1: Click on the icon mirror -> The popup list of available devices will be displayed Step 2: Select a device that will mirror the actions of the main device After selecting a mirror device, the streaming of all mirror devices […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2.1.2
A. Create a test script with Mobile II. Create a new test script The script creation screen is displayed by step: Click on the [Manage Test Script] item => Click [Create with ATOMP Studio] => Select any device. 1. Upload a CSV file (if necessary) Users can upload a CSV file containing two columns of […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 2.1.1
A. Create a test script with Mobile I. Create a Precondition Precondition can be created and used for multiple scripts with the same precondition. Please follow these steps: Step 1: Click on the [Manage Test Precondition] button. Step 2: Click on the [Add Precondition] button. Step 3: Select a device to start creating a […]
Studio & Tester 4.0 Part 1.2
B. Start using ATOMP with Mobile web On select device screen, user can choose NATIVE_APP or WEB_VIEW to create test script. 1. WEB_VIEW WEB_VIEW for iOS: In the “Please select app setting” textbox select WEB_VIEW After selecting the test type is WEB_VIEW then will select the corresponding device -> Studio screen is shown with safari opened […]